3 Things I Wish I’d Known 10 Years Ago…
Last Holy Thursday, I celebrated another trip around the sun. 1 year less on the 3rd floor! ?.
The day was perfect to look back & self-reflect.
I realized there are 3 things I wish I would’ve the certainty of knowing 10 years ago ?:
1. Developing a true realtionship with God is key to live the real good life.
Yes, the type of connection you nurture everyday.
Many times I suffered simply because I chose to: I forgot God always has our back. But then when I started putting him first, everything else started falling into place ?.
Forgetting that HE is the beginning & the end can be very costly, specially to our soul.
2. Investing time in personal & emotional development is as important -if not more, as constantly acquiring knowledge.
Yes, healing and growing from inside out.
The ? we live in pushes us to Do-Do-Do. If we ONLY focus on training our brain & getting to know more about the world without looking & cultivating what resides inside us, then we lose.
I learned the hard way that a woman with a mind without a heart never goes too far. The more we get to know ourselves, the more meaningful relationships we have ?.
3. True happiness isn’t a place nor a persona but putting our gifts and talents at the service of others.
Yes, a life where we get to unconditionally love.
I used to hear “Sharing is caring” but I was busier with myself, wanting to have fun; travel around the globe; learn more… and that was ok until certain point because it allowed me to expand my world. BUT deep inside I needed more and better ?.
Suddenly, a flame in my heart was lit up. A strong feeling of serving and giving what I had seeded in my mind and my heart became a priority.
I began to discover that the purpose of life is to live a life of purpose ??.
It hasn’t been an easy path so far but totally worthy.
Can you relate? If so, leave a ? with the Lesson # in the comments ?.
#DoersDiary #DoerbyNature
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