When isolation times become meaningful and profund times

? It was getting dark outside…
And before that darkness could reach out and took over the inside,
the time I was avoiding so badly finally arrived.
??Time to self-reflect
?Time to rejoice
??Time to isolate myself
?Time to dig deep inside
??Time to live the process
?Time to grow so I could finally be fully alive.
Then, HE came in.
Only because I fully opened up the doors to him.
(I did this not only with my mind, but with ALL of my heart).
✨ When I least expected him, He showed up:
simply through a word, a friend, a neighborth,
in a phrase or a song, on a billboard
or in the form of a thought.
✨ When I made that urgent call
because I had no other way to run/turn/go.
(I had forgotten he was the first one on my contacts list),
He brought the LIGHT back.
✨ When I needed him the most,
He knocked at my door
and walked through my soul.
? He took over and helped me transform.
? He swiped up all the pain and replaced it with joy.
? He gave me his word and innate love in my world,
so strongly, it still burning…
The funniest part? He did all this in SILENCE. ? Just because He is who He is. ??
Have you ever heard #GOD in the middle of the night too? ?
I would love to read your story below ??
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